
I’m not sure how that was even possible with the flight capability. But whatever, Doc said it, so I’ll accept it.

Well, at least this didn’t poison the driver with diesel exhaust like Geoff did.

Now playing

Maybe next time just share this Technology Connections video (if the embed works, anyway...):

It was great when it worked. But............ It NEVER WORKED. It was as functional as “Final Fantasy VII: The First SOLDIER” will be this time next year.

1. Not mandatory.

Umm... Earth. Reality. Someone who has made more than a cursory middle school level look into history, as well as into science fiction.

“We could find no better term to describe the device,’’ Kagan said. “It is able to take in information from an external source, process it and then respond to it in real time.”

That’s a teleport pad. Could provide power, yes, but it’s not a Gem, just Gem tech (as far as we know).

I assume it’s Gem technology. Or possibly and horribly, a full-on Gem.

Perhaps a screen of just a few rebuttals, plus a second picture, of a QR code linking to the thread?

Never mind that this has happened to other cars before. But you know what, Musk wants to take credit for inventing all the shit he merely bought, so sure, he can have this too.

But Activision can still require their own account connections, which will require that phone number.

I’ve had both experiences on the same connection on the same day. American internet just isn't reliable, unless you're on FttH.

Well, you can play your GC copies of those games on at least the server that I’ve used on and off (SCHTHACK, It’s supposed to work with every release of PSO1 except for Xbox. Even works with C.A.R.D. Revolution.
Don’t know whether you can bring in your old characters though, or if you need to

Unfortunately, the lag is never going away. That’s just a natural result of the distance between you and the rackmount Xbox Series X server. It can be minimized to less than 1/20 of a second with good internet infrastructure (over American cable companies’ dead bodies), but unless MS decides to somehow implement

And if you were in her position and did that, whether you would be alive today would probably depend on whether you were a man or woman. (Or other, which would probably have the same result as being a woman.)

Something about liking pancakes and hating waffles, I think?

If you’re willing to start from zero, you can still play PSO1; there are private servers that will allow you to play Blue Burst (PSO1 Episode 4; it also includes Ep1+2 content, but PSO Ep3 is a different game entirely).

Thankfully, the only time I’ve gotten motion sickness with VR was when I played Quake 1 on the Oculus DK1. I have, on the other hand, hurt myself a different way using the PSVR1. (Freaked out and stood up from a jump scare, the chair fell backwards, the chair’s footrest thing banged my leg.)

So well in the Philippines, that they recently elected President... the son of a guy that THEY LITERALLY REBELLED AGAINST. Fuck Bongbong with a broken glass bong.