
All of this makes Russia the obvious choice to host the World Cup.

I’ll try but it is a rather large target.

The vast majority of white people in the South did not own slaves, and that percentage was even higher among Confederate soldiers. The slave system was a dual-injustice, as the main work opportunity was in agriculture and plantation owners had no incentive to employ folks when they had access to free labor.

Whata mature, thoughtful rebuttal. Bravo.

The quality of this site has really gone downhill.

Here’s another way: If it looks ridiculous and/or shocking and it was released by the Kremlin or is on state run-/pro-Russian sites, it’s fake.

Yeah! You tell ‘em. How DARE they self-identify?

White people are always privileged.

What if the Wildlings were Mexicans instead? I mean, there is a wall & nobody wants to let them cross, even though all they want to do is have a better life. And the Night’s Watch is of course border control.

I am extremely ignorant on the subject, but is strobbing ever used? If the runway strobbed at a certain speed & direction and a taxiway strobbed slower (indirectly implies speed differential) maybe that would help.

But any change to the current system would be very involved.

It’s interesting though. In the IT world ‘accessibility’ is a constant worry and blue-green colorblindness is a factor. Perhaps for ‘just in case’ situations, this should be a consideration for landing strip visual aids as well?

You are incorrect: BOEING makes the 777. BEING makes the 7777. They are Chinese.

Any chance the pilot was colorblind and somehow made it through pilot training?

I know, right? A foot fetish is almost vanilla.

“On Syria’s western border, reports have indicated that Iraqi forces are close to defeating ISIS in the Iraqi city of Mosul...”

Race doesn’t have a biological basis, so its application is always to create an “us and them” mentality. But you touch on something very interesting, how the definition of “whiteness” has always been shaped politically.

Race is an abstract concept. Even today in Europe, you have some people speaking of a Slavic or Nordic race, for example. The idea of a “white” race only really began to solidify in the United States, and is itself a very flexible label.

That would make sense, if there were such a thing as a “black genome” and the concept of race were anything more than an artificial construct.

We should apply the same level of scrutiny to whoever wants to play as Germans in Call of Duty, World of Tanks, or even Il-2 Sturmovich. Really? How dare they?

The Japanese had the mentality that all other Asians were inferior peoples, too.