
OK, totally going to hell for this.

A man was arrested for stealing a steam engine. His lawyers used the insanity defense.

Comments like this make me angry, I need to go let off some steam

Old locomotives respond well to a little tender loving and care...

Drumpf is always good for a laugh, when I’m not completely aghast at his evil intent.

When this kid gets out of prison, first thing he’ll do is buy a Dodge Ram.

Stupidity knows no bounds with today’s yute’s:

Sweden’s taxes are twice what we pay, here.  All the good stuff that socialism offers comes at a price.

I live in an older neighborhood- tons of nice little ranch houses built in the 50s- and my older neighbors have fought the city tooth and nail to keep our street from getting sidewalks because... reasons.

Even in the more walkable/transit friendly neighbourhoods, the incumbents (re. older) are incredibly territorial, and prefer to block new housing, or really anything that’d benefit anybody else.

In a way it’s kinda satisfying to see boomers being forced to live in the world they made- they’re the generation that worshiped cars and saw cars as freedom, and they legislated a world where that is reality. Boomers cut spending on public transit, cut spending on infrastructure, cut spending on schools (which leads

I want my mother to live closer in a smaller house somewhere walkable, but she’ll die in that house in the middle of nowhere rather than give it up. Shes scared of the city, obsessed with being able to buy a 50 year old hutch i will end up needing to move out with the others when she passes, and has that mindset that

As a New York motorist, I am all too familiar with the unsavory shenanigans of too many tow truck drivers.

Rivers usually are among the best places to find fish.

Or some cashier kept saying they could and then laughed as they all got towed away.

Good. Fuck em.

Hard to pinpoint an exact model but I’d say large American sedans - eg. Taurus, Imapala, G8, Lucerne, etc. This is what the American brands have done well, and now they’re mostly gone.  Even the Avalon is gone at this point!

Wagons, all of them. Camry wagon, Accord wagon, A4 and A6 Wagon, 3 series and 5 series wagon, C class wagon, Jetta wagon, all of them.

HONDA ELEMENT. Supposedly a couple recent Honda patents suggest they may be working on a new Element.