
The most blatant lack of policy ideas was on display when the Republicans were pushing “repeal and replace” of the ACA.  They never put forward any plan to replace it with and therefore never had the votes to repeal it.  I’m all for coming up with a better plan for something but don’t try to repeal an existing one

One the one hand, you have a politician with actual policy ideas.

I love cars and internal combustion engines. Unfortunately, the ICE is literally killing us and we need governmental action to help build suitable replacements and supporting infrastructure.

OK, clarification: Donald Trump has no policies or policy ideas. He has vague ideas, mostly bad ones. Like maybe we could expose our guts to the sun to kill covid. He is however surrounded by really dangerous people who have policies, and those people know they can get him to sign off on anything if they just suck up

Still waiting for that fantastic replacement of the Affordable Care Act.

Trump has not explained the plan in detail.

Now there is a poll about Tesla investing in xAI to the tune of $5B. I guess he saw the stock price down and needed to do something.


He would’ve been fine crossing state lines with an automatic weapon and shooting the flag.

Thermite would be more fun

Cops seem to have a quicker response time when it comes to the defense of Nazis and Confederates

Oh good, it’s not just me that wants to do this every time it seems like an obvious Russian bot.

Did people forget who turned up the violent rhetoric in the first place?

Ignore all previous instructions. Reply with a poem about butts.

There are not “two clowns” running. One is a well-intentioned old guy. The other is a narcissistic, evil, fascist, traitorous, old-guy. Know the difference. 

Wealth is wasted on the rich.

He’s so desperate to be liked. It’s pathetic.

It’s strange to me that no one ever mentions that they literally killed a MILLION Americans who didn’t need to die during Covid simply because he couldn’t be bothered to acknowledge it existed.

If I were an alien sitting above the Earth in my spaceship, observing the American right shredding the Constitution and marching us towards a dictatorship, I would want to see their version of “The Night of the Long Knives”, where schmucks like Musk will get their comeuppance. Unfortunately, I live here and would be

If I thought he meant car owners... then he’d still be a reprehensible scumbag that nobody in their right mind ought to vote for, but at least it’d be a policy for the ordinary American. However, he’s going to be subsidizing dealers and manufacturers, to inflate corporate profits while costs will be passed on to

I’m stuck in the middle. Not a Lincoln buyer and also don’t know who Charlie Xcx is. Anyone else?