
I enjoyed it; Raymond Lee is a likeable lead. I did not enjoy the fact that they missed out on bringing Sam Beckett home.

Nor did we get an Oh Boy.

Or an updated version of the theme song.

But other than that, decent show.

It’s so weird to say Reuters is lying instead of like reporting false or misleading information or not doing their due diligence. It’s like he thinks Reuters is a guy just pushing out headlines about whatever he feels like is happening.

I always really liked those. Just a good looking fancy ‘Yota.

But the Lexus CT wasn’t that bad...

The future of ugly, broken-down trucks is NOW.

At least your truck “looks like the future” ... on a tow truck.

Once the Scion xB went out of production, they all migrated over to the Kia Soul and haven’t looked back. Honestly, it’s easy to see why. They are easy to get in and out of, still relatively analog, have enough room to pick up the grandkids and their strollers, and can be afforded on a tight social security budget.

They simply cannot get enough of these piles o shit. 

Like appearing on US stamps, nothing should be named after you until you’re six feet under.

Someone call Alanis Morissette, because she might need to add a verse to that song.

AI Trains. Been there, done that.

I guess people just don’t want to buy badly made cars that don’t work as advertised from a white supremacist piece of shit con-man.

And in Kentucky, State Representative Steve Rawlings introduced HB 506, which would ban “any form of geoengineering activities,” including “intentional manipulation of the environment, through an atmospheric polluting activity, to effect changes to the earth’s atmosphere or surface.”

they made it work in Total Recall... I don’t really see a problem here.

Cool idea. Can we name one after Billy D Williams?

Normally I hate the idea of GoFundMe projects, but I’d throw a few bucks into this.

I personally think it’s a brilliant idea.

People will definitely start noticing the Model 3 Mars Habitat Module panel gaps when they let all the oxygen out and all the radiation in.

There is nothing on Mars which justifies the expense to go there, and anyone who thinks otherwise should be required to prove it with their own investors' money and leave the taxpayers out of it.

One of the best jokes in Borat is that Davitian’s belly hung so low he didn’t need a censor bar to cover his gear.