
The Sunbeam Tiger! I know it’s heresy to tamper with that which Shelby hath wrought, but imagine this thing with current-day suspension, a modern powertrain, and safety measures other than skill and prayer.

MGB-GT. Something along the lines of Singer/Porsche.

The Model 3/Y buyers are mostly the exact same yuppie crowd that used to lease a 3 series. No surprise they drive the same way. The new Model 3 even has non-traditional turn signal to ensure they are similarly disused. 

The Javelins is a “good” idea, but this is better...

Musk is such a vile POS, I could never buy one of his MAGA mobiles. Mind you, douchebag Telsa driver isn’t helping at all. They’ve quickly taken the crown from BMW guy as the most reckless driver. 

A Yugo with a K20 motor. 

Jeff Donut is such a Matt Berry name, sounds like a headshot in Jane’s office in Toast of London. He’s gotten a lot of mileage out of his fruity actor voice, and what a fun music-monger.

I love that there are people on this planet who have thoroughly digested all 8 seasons of fucking Home Improvement and want to continue the adventure.

These were both Airbus planes, their mating ritual is far less violent than the Boeing molting display used to attract a mate.

Here we are watching the mating ritual of the Boeing, oh look those two have touched tips, this is to signify that these two are a couple

Not great, Bob!

It’s that, but not just that.

Saved by the Panel Gap!

The RNC is now asking people whether they believe the 2020 elections were fraduluent in their work application forms. It’s a cult, now, not a political party.

Imagine being such a Tesla/Elon fanboy that you’re willing to risk your OWN FINGERS to try to pwn the haters. That’s borderline Jonestown stuff right there.

Take it one step further and look at his wife’s tweet. They’re PROUD of their ignorance and stupidity and wear it like a badge of honor.

I’ve gotta say I did not expect a woman named “Meshawn” to look like that.

I got to go with the Nissan IDx

Don’t forget Al Franken’s oft-repeated “I like Ted Cruz more than most people like Ted Cruz, and I hate Ted Cruz.”

A week tops at best.