
Oooof not gonna lie that is damn damn impressive ... 

I’m impressed that this is a list of actually useful things for a truck, as opposed to the kind of “gadgets” that Tesla likes to do, such as video games in the screen or fart noises.

We have here the crossing of 3 things

He's identifying the client's class in the hierarchy.

Rolling coal when a person is in the vicinity and when the individual rolling coal intentionally or knowingly causes that excess exhaust to contact that bystander is AT A MINIMUM an assault. They are causing their vehicle to “spit” on a living, breathing, human being that is worthy of dignity and not having his or her

did not involve any criminal intent

Affluenza must be nice.

I bet my left nut that his parents make voting choices based on “law and order” and who’s “tough on crime”.

My client is a young man in high school with college aspirations.

What always blows my mind is that he only appeared in 27 episodes of the show. It always feels like he was in more, because he didn’t appear until season 5, or season 4 if you count the one episode that featured Frank Cotstanza, originally recorded with John Randolph, but reshot with Jerry Stiller for syndication.

“He stopped short?! That’s my move!”

Do you not realize that almost every sitcom in Seinfeld’s era had an audience? Seinfeld also paved the way for shows like Sunny and Arrested Development. Prior to Seinfeld there weren’t a lot of shows that were almost exclusively about terrible people.

The same Tesla that wouldn’t let their workers quarantine or wear masks for the pandemic.

“controlled by unions.”

If Reddit could fellate Elon, he’d have passed out from the blood loss and crashed his Tesla into the back of the nearest EMS vehicle.  People defend him with a passion that is hard to wrap my head around.  They’d throw their own mothers into a volcano if he asked them to.

If anything, Trump had awakened every wealthy person he has acquainted with’s expressive antipathy, egotism, or just unapologetic sociopathy. It’s why “Trumpism” is still a thing. Elon Musk has always been keen on the idea of being an antipathic, self-centered asshole, it’s just his environment perhaps suppressed it

For reasons I may never understand, I can read pending replies to other people’s comments but not mine. I know someone responded to my comment that Elon was another Trump by saying something about how both men are from different environments, but I cannot read the whole thing or reply due to this broken comment system.

...the locomotive first served on the Reading Railroad out of Pennsylvania before getting shipped off to Arizona.

Leather is hard-wearing and durable, but not more comfortable than good cloth. Think about it... you want silk sheets, not cow hide. 

If by “passengers” you mean “the person in the left rear seat specifically” you’re not topping the Toyota Century.