
“We did stupid dangerous shit in the past and managed to survive and therefore we should never ban stupid dangerous shit” isn’t really a coherent argument.

You realize a fully-grown adult human being could walk in-front of a modern, non-lifted pickup without being seen, right?

Ban it for safety, and introduce a charge of felony level stupidity for everyone whoever thought that it was a good idea in the first place. Keep that sort of shit for the track and stadium exhibitions, not the public roads.

People may hate the way this looks, but it’s clearly a safety issue. You are putting way less weight over the front tires than the vehicle was designed for. Handling could be dangerously bad depending on how much rake.

The insane driving in my metro did NOT adhere to any demographic, skin color, bumper sticker or income level. I drove all year for my job... and damn, was it dangerous out there. Pure assholes from every walk of life and in every neighborhood. My dashcam tells some stories. 

“I don’t know of an easy explanation for less seatbelt use.”

It was never really about the gears!

“Are we the bad guy?”

(meanwhile, on the low, he’s secretly thinking “go on...”)

I love the hypocrisy of these racists saying two women kissing in front of their children is unacceptable, and yet screaming obscenities and getting kicked out of a pool in front of said-children is a-ok. “Mommy screams at women of color so you don’t have to see them kiss!” Toodaloo, Karen!

I only know or care about 1 Grimes, and that’s Frank Grimes

She’s a moron. Her husband is also a moron. I feel bad for their kid, whatever it’s called.

I know it’s since become a reasonably well watched show for netflix but it started out as an incredibly small CBC sitcom based on a fringe show that turned into a stage play, how much were you expecting to make up front? I’m not really surprised the acting talents’ contract reflect that.

The rest of the complaints are g

inb4 the Crypto-nerds show up and give us a healthy does of “umm, ackchewally”.

Like you said in your opening statement, the recently discovered documents surprises absolutely no one! These backward ass “colonizers” are still practicing their racist as fuck beliefs and policies. It doesn’t matter that a POC married into this arrogant, ignorant, dysfunctional family. I would never accept

Remember when William said no one in his family was racist? Yeah no.

Yep, but don’t ask questions about the conduct of her second son, though, because... you know, that never happened.

According to the dictionary, “boat” is defined as a hole in the water into which you throw money.

Boat= Bust.Out.Another.Thousand. Except millions in this case. Long Beach is about to find out there are two great days of boat ownership, the day it arrives and the day it’s sold. 

Is it really worth saving? As a tourist trap, does it bring money in? Is it valuable in the historic sense? Ships have lifespans, and they do degrade, maybe this old queen has reached the end of hers?