Baby Yoda is a false god. There is only Beebo.
Baby Yoda is a false god. There is only Beebo.
I enjoyed Carnival Row perhaps a bit more than I expected but it’s certainly not without its warts. I dig the late Victorian/Edwardian setting, but the whole thing seemed like a bit of a mess. Perhaps the new showrunner will smooth out its rougher edges and improve things because I think there’s a good show in there…
The Mandalorian is tad too fan-servicey at times, and at others just kinda dull. It’s not bad, but I certainly don’t think it’s all that special either. Production quality is pretty high, but the show is pretty light on substance.
$1200 is securely within my range of “Fuck it, NP”. It needs some work, but at $1200 I got more than enough money leftover to fix said gremlins and DD this beauty.
MAG was, despite its warts, a heck of a lot of fun. I’m a little sad that I had forgotten all about that game and just how much fun my friends and I had playing it.
This is what kills me. Corbyn really isn’t that “far left” or “socialist”, or at least he’s no further to the left than Clement Attlee and his policies aren’t really all that different from most mainstream social democratic parties on the continent.
Why is this even close, what is wrong with people, how have they been hoodwinked into thinking these right wing lunatics have their best interests at heart?
I’m beginning to think they’ve all been kidnapped by a SPECTRE-like organization of supervillains for some kind of dastardly scheme to take over the world.
Damn, just the idea of tourtière is conjuring up some emotions about my late grandmaman’s legendary tourtière. Ground beef, ground pork, and ground veal, and the crust was always perfect. Good times, better food.
There is no such thing as “Peak Paul Rudd”
First Nog. Now Odo... My dreams of a proper continuation series for DS9 are fading pretty darn quick now.
3rd Gear:
I like the show, but you’d think with all the money Disney is putting into this they’d have made the episodes longer or at least somewhat more consistent in length. So far they’ve all been under 40 minutes and two of them (including this latest one) were <35 minutes in length.
Sorry, but as a Canuck, where in the US are roads so bad that one needs a mall queen “off-roader”?
Front Mission 3, Vagrant Story and Legend of Dragoon.
I’m not the only one! My brothers and I cobbled together a collective year’s worth of birthday, Christmas and other cash gifts from our grandmother to buy a PS2 the first week it came out, but we didn’t have enough for the PS2, a game and a memory card so we got the game and console and that was it.
Stocks have jumped to records on optimism for a truce in an 20-month tariff war between the world’s two largest economies that has led to tariffs on some $500 billion in bilateral trade.
That is a version of Trainspotting I would love to see.
Or he simply doesn’t like the idea of white supremacists led by a presidential candidate playing with teleporters, or simply doesn’t like people fucking with his sense of reality.