
I don’t see where she “rejected his claim”. She disagrees with Nico’s assessment that genetics plays the LEADING factor in his success. Did you bother reading what she wrote?

66% genetics and 33% nurtured? No Nico, no. Hell no.

“I’m also guessing that he’s not going to be a Sheriff anytime soon, and I’d peg his chances of getting back with his girlfriend to be pretty slim as well.”

rose colored glasses for sure. see you in 30 years when you star in your own bus hood riding video

You think black men weren’t buying Playboy at the time? Please explain how you think increasing appeal of an adult magazine to black males would not be a pathway to revenue growth? Because what you said does not make sense in the context of an adult publication for men featuring nude women.

come on man, youve got to tell us who this professor is! im dying to look up this crackpottery on the internets plz plz plz plz

uh huh. yet the dealership immediately offered them compensation and apologized and said this was against their policy in a video post on their facebook page. strange to do that when this is all so routine.

i know this is an unpopular opinion, but if mclaren just sticks it out another year (or two) with honda i think they will be rewarded handsomely. look no further for this lesson than alonso, who left ferrari frustrated by their losing ways, only to miss out on the team’s complete turnaround. honda has the resources

In my high school paper I once published a headline that read, “Track And Field Team Gets The Runs”. I didn’t get yelled at and got some hearty laughs from classmates, but I was mildly shocked it actually went through and was printed.

It’s Foxtrot Alpha dude, it’s not about cars.

Hyundai just announced one now too

You are attempting to write your own version of known history, but the facts are not in your favor. There was no such absolute certainty. The intel had significant dissenting footnotes. The Bush administration picked and chose the intel that favored invading.

You seem to misunderstand the basic legal issue in play here. It wasn’t that it was information about Hillary, that’s just sleazy politics as usual. It’s that it is specifically illegal since “a foreign national shall not, directly or indirectly, make a contribution or a donation of money or other thing of value, or

USIC is what they call themselves actually. But great job jumping to conclusions and making sure 1+1=3. You prove my point better than I do. But I’ll continue anyway.

ok man, I get it, you don’t trust the United States Intelligence Community. They don’t meet your high burden of proof, fine.

Second time I’ve had to post basic links to established information for you. Is this like, your thing, where you just post silly pictures impugning other people but don’t actually bother looking up the basic details of the shit you’re posting about?

“Trump Jr. himself said the intent of the meeting was to get dirt on Hilary.” *Citation needed.

I don’t need to know anything about computers. The FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the ODNI know plenty about computers and about intelligence and they are 100% certain that the Russians did it. They keep repeatedly saying, again and again in interviews and in public and private congressional hearing testimony, that they

Hey everyone, mkbruin wants everyone to know that he puts zero faith in the unanimous consensus from the CIA, FBI, NSA, and ODNI that Russians did in fact interfere with American elections in 2016. It doesn’t matter to mkbruin, ok? Russians are just the bogeyman of the left, no matter what happens. mkbruin ain’t

My, someone’s impatient. Fair and thorough investigations of this scope and scale actually take time. The only one that really matters anyway is Mueller’s, and that only JUST started and is expected to take years. Multiple. Years.