
My older sister got knocked up at 15 too. It really lowers the bar for everyone else, let me tell ya.

Wow. Yikes.

Ah man, I loved that movie. I want to rewatch it now.

My mother seriously took some tuna, mixed it with a little bit of mayo and pepper, mixed it with potato chips, covered it in grated cheese, and chucked it in the oven at 350 until it looked done.

I grew up with tuna casserole being tuna and potato chips, baked. It was the only way I’d eat fish.

Well, you are the food you at least add plain potato chips?

Lazy Cabbage Rolls.

Your doing the Lord’s work, Carl. After a very cold, very wet summer, nature decided to punch us in the face with 30c+ weather, now with extra humidity. This is just what I am after.

I was thinking more the Governor-General, rather than Trudeau.

What does it say about me that my first thought was “It’s Your Excellency, Not Your Majesty?”

Never come to Canada. I think being passive-aggressive is built into our genetic code at this point.


Or get her some better parents who allow their 14 year old to “rap” about drugs, or make an idiot of themselves on TV. Or be exploited at all, really, because my first thought when I saw the original video was how sick her parents were, to trot their kid around like she’s a joke.

Pretty sure the birth of Christ being important was a more recent addition to Christian ideology, anyway. I have a Bible that points out how the story coincides with Zoroastrian and other religious beliefs, and pretty much says it’s stupid to think the trappings of Christianity came from a vacuum. And I say that as a

Most “religious” people wouldn’t know Christ if he bit them, so you’re alright, I’d say.

I think it’s only exhausting if you let it be. If you don’t let yourself get worked up about it all, dating is so much easier.

I’m in my late 20s, and the only people I talk about my number of sexual partners with is my best friend and my sisters. I know my husbands slept with other women. He knows I’ve slept with other men. That’s pretty much all the details I need.

I patently refuse to believe Jane, her letters, and her “advice” are anything but parody.

Ah, “None of this nonsense, please” lady. Impeccable taste.