
The one thing I remember about this game is that it had the worst AI I had ever seen in a AAA or near-AAA quality game. If you had trouble finding players (which I did), you had to mount one-man missions to secure objectives, because your AI teammates would just stand in one place and never do anything.

Omg I’m so glad I got to this part in Sonic Mania or I would have been livid at this spoiler.

While Luke is busy making sure you know his opinion about which version of a 26 year old console looks better (and only responding to comments about his opinion while ignoring any legitimate factual questions), other outlets are reporting actual news about the SNES Classic, such as that the European version will run

Kotaku, there is a choice not to publish an article if the document is released online. I know its too juicy a news to report but if we just choose to ignore these thieves, we can diminish their power over it. Don’t give them any attention. I know the other sites will report and even give a link to the documents but

Tried it out. Totally digging this game, ditched the WoW subscription like a bad habit. There’s only so much “sit around on Broken Shore for literally fucking weeks” that I can stand.

Trying to read the monster hunter article and your damn infinite-scrolling starts making the stream autoplay and I couldn’t figure out where the damn noise is coming from.

This is Prey to the Gods?

Same. So another copycat riding on the coattails of another developer. Same thing with Threes and 2048 or whatever. And Kotaku just promoted them. Wish they change this so it talks about BBTAN instead. It looks cooler anyway.

Reading the first two words of a headline as “AMAZON HACKED” was unnerving. Ihaven’t had coffee yet.

Reading the first two words of a headline as “AMAZON HACKED” was unnerving. Ihaven’t had coffee yet.

“Amazon hacked-” what?!
“and slashed the price-” oh...

“Amazon hacked-” what?!
“and slashed the price-” oh...

pageviews for sure, that’s why it’s over reacted also

Enjoy the star. This crow is humbling, to say the least!

Take YOUR damn star. It’s going to take all week for me to climb back up those pegs you guys knocked me down from.

FUUUUUUUUUUUUDGE! GOD DAMNIT! I felt so freakin’ smug and proud of myself after that too! Stars for you and everyone else who pointed it out, I deserve it.

Kotaku has to make their daily tumblr quota of adding something sexual to every single Overwatch post they make somehow, I guess.

I’m not sure the MASSIVE images of every single token is needed on the article! Other than that...good to know. I really dislike this idea by and large, incremental change is okay but going all the way and replacing all of them with potential rubbish like “hashtag”s and emojis? Eurgh. No. Stop.

Any chance we can see a breakdown of how much money you earned from listing these awesome products? I bought a couple because I needed some, couldn’t refuse the offers on some, and was drunk and made a poor financial decision with a couple. But it would be interesting for a full disclosure about how much money was

Any chance we can see a breakdown of how much money you earned from listing these awesome products? I bought a

Sorry for laughing at this. #notsorry

Actual genuine question, not trying to be offensive - maybe I’m just ignorant:

When did “queer” become an acceptable word to refer to LGBT people? I’ve always thought of it being a derogatory term like “faggot” (at least that’s how it’s seen where I’m from).

Edit: I’m from the UK, incase that matters at all.

Here’s a quick Imgur gallery of every Winter Wonderland event reward and their in-game pricing, for any and all interested.