
I lean towards wearing masks myself, although good luck actually finding any surgical masks for sale (and don’t buy any N95 masks unless you’re donating them to a hospital or clinic or need them for work).

My hunch is that the CDC is only not recommending it because they know that we don’t have enough for even the hospitals right now. But by and large, Asian countries and even some European countries are seeing that widespread mask adoption by the public has helped slow transmission. Masks catch the droplets expelled by

It’s not even anecdotal, there’s clear evidence populations where mask wearing is common have lower transmission rates.

This article is not going to age well.

The CDC is not exactly making good decisions here, anyway. I hope people do read that they’re supposed to be wearing masks and take it seriously—even a homemade mask is better than no mask. Homemade masks are about 50% as effective as proper, fitted masks, and everyone could be wearing one, like, yesterday. We’re

I’m no fan of Taylor Swift but I find it hard to see what exactly she’s done wrong here. She was the was one humiliated on national TV in the first place, she was the one who had the demeaning song written about her, and the one who had a doctored conversation released in order to smear her, and her reaction to most

“The public doesn’t need facemasks.” I was an early believer because the Surgeon general said it but now I know it’s b.s., the message was actually “They work but public is too stupid to use them correctly”. It’s so obvious in retrospect; if they don’t work then why would medical providers need them?  Anyway, he

I liked the idea that she came from no one special, but I never really thought that that fact was actually “truly revealed” given that it was from Kylo at the time and that he could simply be lying to get her to join his cause. It was a very unreliable narrator moment.

everything hinges on not just ignoring The Last Jedi, but completely contradicting where that film was going and the themes of that film.”

Biggest problem with TLJ was that instead of subverting a couple of things and making them feel like a big deal, it attempted to subvert just about everything all at once, and made the whole lot just feel inconsequential.

Which then ties in to the fact that, like TLJ veered off from TFA, the ROS did the same to TLJ.

To add to this, I don’t understand how Star Wars fans are OK with the millenia of Sith Lords attempting to do the very thing Palpatine did, but then get upset when he successfully does it.

Having Rey come from nothing is a powerful storytelling device.

“the fact that everything hinges on not just ignoring The Last Jedi, but completely contradicting where that film was going and the themes of that film.”

I mean, Last Jedi did the same thing to Force Awakens, so...

I totally get why the gender politics of a military officer getting in a relationship with a subordinate would be worrisome but in Mulan’s case:

This seems like a good time to remind the human population that Amazon used to be just a book and CD seller. That they didn’t sell everything under the sun.

Twitch has an entire section dedicated to bodypainting and it is explicitly allowed. So no, it is not a reasonable interpretation. 

It depends on the context.

I think this is reasonably stated - no matter how much body painting streamers attempt to de-sexualize their channels and content, they must acknowledge that some people will still see them as such anyway. People can look at the same side-by-side image from the article and have very different reactions to it as a

I don’t understand why Twitch even has a body painting category if they’re like this when it comes to people showing skin. I’m not crazy right? Like, body painting means you *paint your body*, so if you see the thing the entire category is about, why the fuck is it a problem? What are they supposed to do, paint their