Forgetting My Burner Password Since 2013

I can’t believe George Lucas drives a motherfucking Jeep.

Fuuuuuuuuck. Unparalleled, unfiltered, unabridged savagery.

God damn.

I’m a Yankees fan so I’d have no problem with that. But we all know the Boston writer would be chased out of town if that happened. So you have nothing to worry about!

I’m shutting it down. I’ll never peak higher than this.

“I fully endorse jbud and his witticisms.”

This might be the saddest thing I have ever read. The 7-11 portion of this is like the last 30 minutes of Requiem for a Dream, the sad part of Boogie Nights and the detox scene in Trainspotting, all in one.

what is “Yeti”


That dude in Aldo’s corner with the backwards’d think he’d just seen his family shot in front of him...damn, man.

Honestly – I don’t even know who she is, or what the 500 day thing is about. I don’t mean to troll.

Step 5. Prison for fraud.

You may also want to take out an insurance policy on your knee caps.

Jesus Christ. (Assuming) a girl has already been raped, and you have to go and post video footage of the unbelievably traumatic assault online for the entire world to view? How fucking horrible of a human being do you have to be to force a rape victim to deal with the horror of not just being raped, but then having

Lol, or kids

“Maybe something awkward happened to put you and your partner off of sex”

Well that seems both unnecessary and entirely irrelevant.

Ate one of those jalap dubs last night, and it was surprisingly and nicely spicy for McDonalds. Jazzed up with a bit of barbecue and buffalo sauce it was acceptable.