
There are empty calories to you with all your other food options. To people who don't have access to endless supply of food that's the calories they need to survive the day. There is a reason why grains became staples of every agriculture and whole civilizations have been built on wheat, rice and maize.

which non agro monument builders were there? Closest I can think of were scythian or other raiders who made tiny mounds. They just raided other agro folks but we're dependent on them

I can say that I have met men who are really good at sex and men who are not really good at sex. I would say that Kate is on the money for getting a "good at sex" rating out of dudes.

All good dancers read the labels.

The piece-of-shit old people couple is bad enough, but WTF 2nd-manager-dude??

In the restaurant that I work at ordering off the menu is annoying because as I server I cannot put an off menu order into the system. Every item on the menu corresponds with a button on my till. All of the acceptable substitutions also have their own buttons on the till (ex: sub salad for fries or no sauce). When a

Here are a few reasons why restaurants don't want people brown-bagging it:

I went to Miss Porter's School for girls (aka Jackie Kennedy's high school). My newsfeed was clogged with my classmates' disapproval of the Lilly/Target collaboration...when I tried to call them out on how they were just upset poor people would be wearing Lilly they pretty much all talked down to me by trying to

This guy reminds me if a friend I had in high school that was a compulsive liar. His lies started out small, for instance, he always claimed Ralph Macchio was his cousin. He was not. We all knew this, as even though his parents would back up his claims in front of his friends (No wonder he had a lying problem) they

I do not understand men (even virgins, even ones whose only encounters with vaginas have been in sex ed class) that would think for a second that anything cervix/womb/prolapse related in any way would been seen as good by a lady.

So he's 13 right? Cause this totally sounds like what a 13 year old would say after he got back from a super cool summer vacation which was totally not at grandma's retirement community.

"found myself shaking my head and saying "I don't think this man has ever seen a vagina in his entire life"" - laughed SO hard reading that line

His description of pussies made me think of the "bags made of sand" boobs quote from 40 year old virgin.

Secretly convinced he is actually a virgin because of his two penises and that this is all just a really sad, sad front...

I love the saying, "those who love brutal honesty are more interested in the brutality than thr honesty".

People who are "honest" and "tell it like it is" are really just assholes.

And now the people of that region have to hop across the border to get a real beer and not the 3.2% Crap that they call Beer.

Based on her portrait I would say Maya Rudolph. Too comical? (Although, let's be honest, a woman donning a giant top hat to appear to be a southern gentleman aristocrat DOES have great comic potential).

Why isn't your answer, as it ALWAYS SHOULD BE, Idris?

Rashida Jones should play Ellen.