
I should add that in playing P3P you can choose either the original (male) protagonist or the female, so you can play both versions in the same game (and P3P makes some improvements over the controls from FES, if memory serves).

You could probably get a PS2 pretty cheap these days and play P3 FES on that, but if you have a Vita, I definitely recommend Persona 3 Portable. I suppose you should play the original version first, with the male protagonist, but be sure to also play the version with the female protagonist; she's so much better, and a

You take that back! Passions was not tacky!

I don't remember that exact preview/scene, but I think it's a pretty safe bet that it's from last night's episode.

I like John and Casey/Brooke just fine, but I really need to see Shirley or Sheldon win this season. They're both just such bright lights. I'd be equally happy with a Shirley or Sheldon win. After that, it goes Brooke > Casey > John (I appreciate John's self-awareness and seeming sincerity in trying to overcome his

Seriously. It's not titillating at all, it's done for good reason, and it actually emphasizes the power reversal at the end, with Maeve running the show while still serenely nude.

Well in her defense there's no one she can really trust for sure (except Bernard, and the jury's still out on that one), plus she's a bit of an overconfident hothead eager to make a name for herself.

They also said Maeve's only been madame of the Mariposa for a little over a year (though she thinks it's 10). If the child storyline was her previous one, it's not that old.

I love her accent. It's very Jodi Foster in SotL.

This. I tell my students this all the time: To plagiarize properly, such that you won't get caught, takes more time and talent than just writing the damned essay.

Seriously. Can we just put her on the Iron Throne and be done with it?

I thought she closed the door behind her to keep Arya from running away again (thinking she was trapping Arya rather than the other way around).

Agreed. I mean, I read the books, but for a non-book-reader who has somehow remained unspoiled, this article really gives away the goods.

Are you forgetting the walnuts?

In the books Tommen is significantly younger than he even is in the show. I'm pretty sure show-Tommen has been deflowered.

Sorry! Go to sleep!

I don't think Ray was a former criminal. He was a former soldier, right? (He framed his actions as criminal in retrospect, but that's not quite the same thing.)

No, I mean that Tommen told the HS, which would indicate that he's not "in on" Margaery's plan.

I don't see Tommen ratting out Margaery for not having sex with him as part of Margaery's plan (withholding sex, though, totally would be). So I don't think Tommen's in on it. Bless his dull heart.

Yeah the look on Cersei's face there at the end was definitely Bad Decision Time Cersei.