I don’t know. Racism, sexism, and religious intolerance seem to have disappointingly long running track records in the US.
I don’t know. Racism, sexism, and religious intolerance seem to have disappointingly long running track records in the US.
Anyone with a fake Facebook account willing to post an article about this case on the B(lue)LM Facebook page?
Now’s a good time to remember that far-right and white nationalist groups intentionally get their members into law enforcement, and that law enforcement structures are often quite friendly with those elements and far-right politics in general.
This is fucking outrageous.
Fuck disciplinary action, these fuckers should be fired and nothing less.
Why is being a nice/decent/respectful person so fucking difficult for some people? Assholes.
Yeah. I’d feel terrible if construction equipment was damaged so that the innocent insurance companies had to cover it. And if it occurred so often it delayed construction indefinitely, man that would just be so sad :(
Yes, that to.
100% this. Until then, I am going to assume he has an active interest in the DAPL, and accuse this dictator of corruption.
Yeah. Are folks suddenly realizing that there are poor people, but people actually CARED at one point? JFC. The only reason we are allowed to exist at all is because there is a shit load of money to be made off of us. I fear for this country’s future - and not necessarily because of Trump.
This is not surprising to many of us in Indian Country. We knew this was coming when Trump was elected. We are expecting more encoachments on our rights and violations of our treaties. Trump honors nothing but himself.
We cannot know the extent of this until and unless he releases his income tax forms. One of the many reasons to keep up the pressure on this score.
Did you see that people are burning jk Rowling books because she criticized Donald? Because when you’re called a fascist you should respond by burning books. These people have no sense of irony and no knowledge of history.
I’d hate if people were to sabotage the pipeline. It would be just terrible if a large number of citizens took matters into their own hands and made completion of this project impossible by systematically causing damages to different section of this pipeline. I’m totally against such drastic measures. It’d be just…
Not just his buddies. Doesn’t he himself have a personal stake in this matter? We’re reaching corruption of the kind only seen in third world dictatorships
It’s very sad to see the lack of reaction from Democrats on this issue. Celebrities are quite supportive, as are grassroots liberal organizations and environmental groups, but very little response from mainstream Democrats.
As much as I know the fascism arguement likes to be carted around, I prefer to think of it as “This is what United States business looks like.”
He’ll fuck anyone to help his buddies get richer.
This is what fascism looks like. Start by hurting the disenfranchised that nobody cares about or that you think nobody cares about.
This so clearly affects many people negatively it’s hard not to imagine sabotage in the future.