
Grand Theft Auto 3, which was a huge deal in not just gaming, but in the media as well because of its violent nature, was released 14 years ago, so by the time you quit gaming it was already an ‘old’ game. GTA Vice City and San Andreas were out by 2004.

Now do the butt.

It’s got the catfish mouth, and those LED strips don’t help

Getting your yacht double-parked in the Monaco harbour...

If you can’t drive a car like that with a manual, you probably shouldn’t be driving it with an auto either... or traction control, stability control or even ABS. The further away you get from the actual, natural performance of the car, the closer you are to being unaware that you’re doing stupid things with it.

This blog and its comments are free, so you have no grounds to complain about them.

Nobody knows what a Jalopnik is.

I could watch Marussias hot lap around Monaco alone. Even an uncompetitive F1 car running at pace is an impressive display... when their not surrounded by competitive F1 cars.

I think the consensus in GT circles is that Cote D’Azur is wider than the real thing.

I’m 32 years old. I parallel park almost every day.

Badge-snob fight!

I don’t think anyone expected this to be so good.

Well, at least we know how much value to place in your opinion on cars.

What is this?

Yes. Yes I should, and I will this weekend. You should come try to beat me. It's fun.

  • Complaining about someone’s post rate
  • Not liking For Sweden