
It Bugs me that this is still a joke.

Billy really is doing God’s work. #MakeAmericaBrannigan

I’d rather vote Zapp than Trump.

I hate that term in its own right for being dumb, outdated and bad, but not really. Chicks sometimes like aggressive-looking cars, too! And horsepower! Someone mention that we don’t speak from a gross pink hive-mind, either.

I watched this on August 1st after you all recommended it. It is one of the best automotive documentaries I’ve watched... But oddly enough the thing I walked away remembering the most is that Christian Von Koenigsegg and Horacio Pagani seem like really cool guys to hangout with that just love cars like anyone else

He probably says it that way on purpose so nobody would confuse him as a grown man that spends waking hours contemplating pokemon...s.

Yesterday was a freak show of thunderstorms all over the South. I have never had a lightning strike defeat a surge protector before, but my cable modem AND my Ooma Telo both got fried. Also, I regret to inform you that Delta was using my modem to run their flight network. I'll be taking the bad unit up to Charter

Mystery solved:

It’s those deceptive ferrari lines! They’re so smooth. So seductive. You just want to rub your benz on them.

Oh no!

I am honestly shocked that the trooper responded with humility. I would have expected an excoriating reply and possible a new speeding ticket for Turner based on the trooper knowing how fast he had to go to catch up to him.

The thing is, the cops should never speed. They are supposed to be set the example we all emulate, and they should never exceed the speed limits unless those warning lights are going.

I eschewed “purple” just as I did the far more ostentatious Cirrus - Vive La Différence!

You could say that festival was pretty.....

Ditch the feminist bro. Life's much better when someone makes your sandwiches for you.

Don’t worry, he’ll crash it in four hours.

When I was 25 I once rolled up to a fancy restaurant in my 1997 aubergine-colored Dodge Stratus, and I left the keys with the valet. After a very nice meal at the restaurant, we headed outside and waited for the valet to return with my car. After about 5 minutes, imagine my horror when the valet returned with a 1997

Okay so this one time, I convinced my friend to let us take his dads 250 California out for the day in Chicago and...well...lets just say it was one interesting day off.

Sorry sir, we can’t park your car...

To be fair, it was an Avalon. Probably blended into the parking spot.