
In my simpleton brain, if you want a $150k car, you better have $150k cash for it.

Is this a good reason?

just like his island in a few years....

“I don’t think this guy understands economics.”

It sure is a long drive from Omaha to pick up that island though.

Will this do?

Holy Mother Focking ground clearance!

Let’s Rally!

Semi-related story - NOT MINE - every time I read it I still laugh

Nope. Don’t have enough fucks to give that guy.

cats can be such assholes

I don’t want kids. I want a car that’s reliable and fun. Those exist, and they’re not Kia Spectras.

OMG! I felt that deep inside me!! I also have chills and goosebumps. Eargasm? Oh, yes!

I honestly don't know how you lot get any work done or articles written - but I'm grateful that you do.

Sorry, wrong Top Gear.

/Cmd+F “florida”