
God damn you people are so fucking ignorant.

We’re past that though. Conservatives wouldn’t have cared about this show 3 years ago. SJW culture since then has done nothing but demonize whites.

The thought of you saltily browsing /pol/ is hilarious.

SJW cancer culture didn’t reach a boiling point until 2015-2016.

Nice to find a fellow adult here on this site. An unfortunate rarity.

Man, the author of this article is doing nothing but further racial tensions by slinging mud and massively generalizing an entire group of people.

Get a load of this homophobic guy.

No. What you saw in the election and what you’re seeing on Reddit is the pent-up frustration of a group of people who were marginalized by political correctness and shouted down as bigots every time they questioned the reasons for something. They couldn’t criticize Obama without being called a racist. They couldn’t

so... like... the real world.

...and Gizmodo isn’t? lmaoo

Gawker, Jezebel and Gizmodo are all cut from the same cloth.