Forever Blowing Bubbles

Yes, I am aware of the history, my grandparents are from the northwest. It wasn’t done for historical accuracy, it was done as a joke.

Thanks, mate.

Born and bred Mainer!

He is Laconia’s finest.

“Yank Scouser’s Lallana tattoo is both dumb and the dog’s bollocks.”

Never forget.

Would have rather had Carter in KC than Brandon Moss.

They were absolutely set to contend for 5-10 years after the Cup win. All the contracts to 3rd line guys, trading young stars because they were young kids who hadn’t fully matured.

The common denominator in all of the Bruins issues is Cam. Nobody else.

Paraphrasing from a friend: Which looks worse? Cam’s knee or his job as a GM?

Pardew, Curbs, Grant, Allardyce.

I’m glad we’ve made it to Bilic.

*clap-clap, clap-clap-cap*

Now playing

I still get pains from this ridiculous fucking assist.

If only putt putt had existed in Don Quixote’s time.

Well, judging by the way he’s dressed, anybody on that set could get murdered.

I once had a Wizard that was afflicted with Alien Hand Syndrome. Whenever Mage Hand was cast, comedy would ensue.

Dirk Kuyt is the big fancy dog Tom Brady wishes he could be.

I suddenly really miss Dirk Kuyt

He’s big! He’s red!
His feet stick out the end of the bed!
Peter Crouch! He’s Peter Crouch!

oh god, the story of Sean Bean on the gondola getting into every shot.

He’s just hoping to catch a tiger by the toe.

Goddammit. +1