ForeverAnalog .

Furthermore Any music using actual notes is going to sound pretty much the same. Otherwise its just sound effects. People make sound effects, not music. Country sounds more like real music to me. Even the worst of it.

WHY is everyone bashing Country Music? There are a lot of great Country songs over the years and I love Country! I don't understand why people put down other people's taste and be music snobs. I for one can't stomach Jazz for very long periods of time, but I am open to it. I also love Classical Music. Country, is the

I love Country Music. Stop judging someone for liking something other than lame Pop or Indie Rock. Do you think Coldplay is good?

I love Country Music, and you have zero taste.

Pop singers have more nasally voices than Country. Katy Perry is very nasal. So is Celine Dion.

I love Country and its my favorite genre! Everything else really doesn't matter. COUNTRY IS THE ONLY GENRE THAT MATTERS!

Dolly Parton is beautiful and she wrote that song. She is much better than Whitney Houston.

I love Country Music. Pop Rock is awful. And Rap Hip Hop is primiitive. No one complains about that. Country Music is endearing and charming in a way very few other genres are.

And so have Pop Rock fans!

Are you kidding? Country Music is very talented. Blues is bland. Country is great. Dolly Parton is amazing. You probably lack talent and are jealous.

No it really hasn't.

I agree. I'm a Country Fan, and I listen to so much Country and to me it all sounds vastly different- yet it still fits. Every Genre will have simliariites and at least some sameness from within. Otherwise you can't classify it as such. Country songs have actual meaning. Most other genres are non sense lyrics.

Rap has basically no melody at all. Even the most simplest Country Pop song requires that. There is no variety in Dance Music either. They play awful Dance Music at the fitness center and its far worse than Country. People hate on Country because its very Popular and its here to stay. I hate Pop Rock music. Country

Country Music has variety, and even though I can't stand the current state of Country Music, I still love the genre as a whole. And the reason is because Country is all about the songs, and that never gets old. And if you listen its very different from song to song. The only reason Country Music is awful now is

I listen to tons of Country Music, and to me none of it sounds the same. I go through all the styles and I can honestly say its probably the most diverse genre of music that is there. That is part of why its so popular.

There is more to a song than just the bass line.

Not if you reall love Country , there is tons of variety in Country. Pop Rock is all the same, though.

No it doesn't. I love real Country music. Indie Rock is awful and so is that primitive Rap .

I really enjoy the song! I don't see why people don't like it.