
Yep. I read a lot of these TERF screeds as kind of “they’re choosing to be women now so they can reap what we’ve sown.” Like, a cisgendered man would suddenly decide to give up his entire identity in order to “take” what feminists have labored to achieve.

That zero sum mentality is honestly such a challenge. It’s how we end up with this All Lives Matter bullshit, because people are so worried that someone saying Black Lives Matter must imply that their own life matters less in that moment.

To the letter writer you could sign your friend up for lefty/progressive/pro-trans newsletters. Maybe ask her to watch videos from Contra Points or Philosophy tube. You might want to looks up street epistemology to try to find out why she is holding these beliefs. It seem to me that the friend is going through

I would like to gently push back on the idea that the writer’s friend was necessarily all that progressive. Some “liberals” are people who are more enamored with an inner narrative where they are persecuted, brave truth-tellers who stand against the idiot mob, than they are of really walking the talk of progressive


The issue there though, especially more in the US it seems, is that “The Left” is considered overlapped onto “Progressive” which isn’t the case. I’ve met too many people who are economically left-wing but in terms of social policy are severely lacking or rather conservative.

After having had several long conversations with the latter group in recent weeks it’s clear they’re just somewhat smarter and more manipulative than the former. They want to claim to argue from a base of respectability but still portray transwomen as rapists and transmen as victims of misogyny.

“Instead, point out how boring it is to think people should be punished if they don’t conform. How tedious it is to think that the contours of your own thought enclose all that is worth knowing. How embarrassing it is to be cruel.”

She chose to run errands in her uniform because she thought it would get her special treatment (Free Meals/First Responders Discount/Move to the front of a line) and her immediate response not getting any of those perks triggers a PTSD type of meltdown? GOOD.

Hell hath no fury like a Karen mildly inconvenienced.

Thank you. This person is unfit for the job if their pressure limit is set to Average Service at a McDonalds.

Seriously. whatever THAT was...she needs to be seeing a therapist and also get a reality check.

Anyone that has a sobbing meltdown over waiting for fast food needs to have their gun removed and to have their fitness for duty evaluated. 

Let’s not forget all those Starbucks coffees with “Pig” on them... because the police ordered them online with “Pig” set as their name.

More basically, they’ve confused the concept of sin, which properly speaking is about doing bad things, with the concept of discrimination, which is about being bad people. Jesus was abundantly and emphatically clear that the former is tolerable to the Christian religion, the latter is its antithesis.

I wouldn’t say that homophobia implies latent homosexuality at all. But I would say that these people have a very gendered view of relationships. They treat men one way, women another (usually worse) way. Gay and trans people mess that up. Now that guy you’re palling around with in the clubhouse might be checking you

This is simply about people who want to be able to freely demean LGBTQ people because they hate them, and are furious that they can’t do that.

Third, for the life of me, I will never understand why so many people are so invested in preventing LGBTQ people from having the same protections and rights afforded to everyone else.

You know, if I stole something, got it home and found out it didn’t work the way I wanted, I would STFU.

“But...but...who will think of the women?!”