
Right and she knew the dress code on Capitol Hill and still didn’t abide by it. I hate this entire piece because it discounts her repeated lies about myriads of things.

Exactly, why is Jezebel so intentful in their efforts to undermine Biden. It is past Bernie hurt. WTF is going on here.

Good point. I still think this author failed to make a convincing case that Tara Reade came from “poverty” and THAT is why people question her credibility.

I almost feel like this Jezebel piece is a bit patronizing in that it assumes poor people naturally try to connive and cheat their way out of poverty and how dare we think that’s unusual.

Jezebel is just not reading the situation at all anymore

yeah, I agree with this read of the situation. Like you could get to the end of this Jezebel piece and feel reasonably sure she grew up dirt poor, even though there’s nothing to really indicate that. Like... she was working for Joe Biden very early on in her career. This isn’t a normal sign of being held back.

I don’t disagree that class is an issue. I don’t disagree that there are no perfect victims. I don’t even disagree that she has lived a hard and sad life.

I don’t understand why on earth anyone would try to set HER story up as one of oppression

You know, I can understand how, at first glance, the NYT piece can read as classist.

There is definitely a “forest for the trees” issue here.

I swear this dead horse will come back to life if I just beat it a couple more times. 

Only ANTIFA operatives fall backwards and crack their heads open on the floor. It’s science!

You make someones gym fail video on YouTube.

I’ve been hit by a car, tripped on uneven sidewalks, tripped over my own feet while running outside, but this crossfit nonsense seems dangerous to me. Flipping giant tires, jumping on unfinished wooden boxes? To what end? And what if you misplace a foot jumping on a box, fall backwards, crack your open on the floor?

I’m white. While I don’t consider myself a racist I can remember an occasion where it was pointed out to me that I’d said something racist. My reaction was along the lines of “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it that way but I understand and I promise to do better in the future.”

Yeah I read that and was like “Wait...what?”

“Those who know me know that my sole issue is the chronic disease epidemic. I know that CrossFit is the solution to this epidemic.”

If I randomly punch you in the face and you get upset because you're in pain over a broken nose and teeth, well that's your choice!

It’s really neat to have a problem that can’t be defined because then it never ends.

I didn’t say something racist because racism doesn’t exist. It’s in your own head. Only you can choose to be offended. It’s a fact.”