
Wow, he just made this one movie, and that was it. I did think he had a way with lines, but I also haven’t seen this since early HBO.

I’m putting all of your recommendations on my list. I do like this sub-genre.

Gorgeous cinematography. Gorgeous score. Slooooww movie, but.. it worked for this still somewhat hopeful romantic. At least 27 years ago, it did.

These were really, really brilliant screenplays. Very award worthy. Great point!

By “The Reef”, do you mean “The Shallows”, with Blake Lively and a shark?

That was “Open Water 2" with McSteamy from “Gray’s Anatomy”. One of the positives is that there is ample nudity from both sexes. Otherwise, it’s an okay B flick.

That sounds like when I had the “dinner at his place wink wink”, and we watched “The Hours”. Depressed Lesbians is not a turn on for Gay Guys. I know! Surprised me too.

You’re Greg Kihn?!?!?!?

I distinctly remember jumping out of my seat during a phone call. Tense, intelligent thriller. And probably very frighteningly real.

That taking out the window shot in “M:I” gave me vertigo while sitting in my chair.

While “LMOE” definitely needed to finish up, cancelling a cult comedy during a cliffhanger is no way to do it. It needs an ending.

“Ever since I was a child, I’ve always had a fear of being scared” - She’s still got it!

Announced but SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER.... they have said that next season is the last season.

When is someone going to make the Doc Savage series?

and then when Kevin Costner rode up on a buffalo, I mean, Tatanka!!!

They’re in Texas now, and only 1/3 maybe of the original cast is still around.

Thank you everyone. I didn’t notice those references. You DO learn something new every day!

This show has been on for 4 seasons, and I think 3 years or so since the first episode timeline.

He does look like he’s been steadily losing weight since we first met him a few weeks ago / 2 years ago.

Most certainly. And don’t call yourself “Shirley”.