
I noticed the puff of snow,and knew “something” was coming.

Damnit, I have to turn in my Gay card. I completely missed that connection!

I worked in box office at AMC Theaters when “Jurassic Park” was showing, and, despite the film playing on the opposite side of the building, you could always tell when the T-Rex was attacking. LOUD! And Fun!

The original was creepy and relentless and depressing, and that is one bizarre True Crime story (the Kiddey Murders?, wasn’t it?) This looks mildly entertaining.

You just leave it on for the After party. Air Kisses, dahlink!

“l.o.l.” Gotta it. NOW I can be cool!!!

High Five for Cardinals!

*Looks off into distance* ... they just keep giving him money. I lost everything, and they just keep giving him money.... /1000 yard stare............

It’s horrible. It really is, but it is soooo tasty. Same with Del Taco. I know. I am a whore.

The original trailer did actually make me Laugh Out Loud in the theater, so I’m hoping, hoping, hoping......

Sooo, next year’s Best Song is already wrapped up....

I get anxious enough in horror movies. The lack of noise in this would be my undoing. I’m a hard pass until video, where I can freak myself out in the comfort of my own - hold on, there was a noise....

He is really getting bored not having a movie to make, isn’t he?

I’m down in L.A., and want to take a long weekend to do both. They both seem intriguing!

...that should have been so much more.

I saw “Disney’s Aladdin” at the Pantages in Hollywood. It’s hard to play the Genie without thinking of Robin Williams, but he certainly gives it his all. The “Friend Like Me” is a magic spectacular.

That is sweet. I’m so... (sigh), so happy... for them... both. “What a lucky goirl!” /Betty Boop)

I have a feeling this is an accidental spoiler on Season 1 of “The Handmaid’s Tale”, isn’t it? I KNEW I should have finished it last week!

You know, when I was your age... eh, fuck it, I’m too tired. :)

Tom Hardy’s Married?!?!?!! Damnit!!! I mean, I am SO happy for them!!!