
Now now. I’m sure your Mom thought you were cool.

I think I would like that movie!

Soooo... which one was Russell Crowe???

I was mesmerized by Henry Cavill’s mustache and man spread. Did something else happen?

How gentlemanly!

It will definitely have a Point of View, unlike most toothless entertainment these days.

I can’t really warm to the characters, but I like a lot of the actors, so I continue with this. Helps that it’s only 30 minutes, but it does keep me intrigued.

I’m cautiously optimistic. I did read the book 20 years ago, and remember really enjoying it, but not too many details outside of Teddy Roosevelt really being the Police Commissioner of NYC at the time. A little slow tonight, but intriguing. I do wonder if 21st sensibilities will take over the gender issues here. We

“The Blair Witch Project” had a doll line?!?!?

This movie is always the first movie I think of when I’m on the Miracle Mile. Tell him “thank you” for a really good, fucked up movie!

If you have that Dad bod, and if you have chest hair, you now can actually get it. Bears: They’re not just for Smokey anymore!

Did “Project Runway” forget to advertise the premiere? I had no idea!

I think it’s just a really odd angle of body to head.

If Chic and Nile Rodgers are still opening for Duran Duran, GO! GO! GO! You WILL dance your ass off, promise!!!

I didn’t even realize Bob Eubanks and Stephanie Edwards had been “retired” from the broadcast.

That movie should be way more famous.


He wears “the required uniform...”.

...and where can one find this porno? ... for cinematic purposes, that is....

He was the Manic Pixie Dream Boy in “The Fault in our Stars” ...sigh...