
It’s “generic”ish in plot and character. It’s just very well done in style and technique/

if someone could just turn the lights up a little bit, so that I can see who is torutring who, that would be greaaaat!! Thanks!

“The Long Dark” finally arrived in Story Mode, and it was well worth the wait. Beautiful, thoughtful, intense, suspenseful, evocative game.

That’s, like, deep and stuff.

“Jasper”? There’s a “Jasper” on this show? I think that if they were going to introduce a character named “Jasper”, they would then have a story line and a point for him to be on the show. So, no, I don’t think there’s a “Jasper” on this show.

I’m binging through “Australian Survivor”, which Purple Rock Podcast discussed over the summer, but I have just discovered. Great production values, not many twists, good looking cast, and a group of people who are actually there to play the game, instead of vacationing on Network Dime.

Diversity? Seriously, I really don’t know.

Wait, are you saying this movie is about sex?

Jack not knowing the “stretch” symbol was incredibly dumb, and almost disrespectful to the character. This was a mishmash of an episode, but maybe they needed to write a grief episode for Debbie Reynolds?

Yes, but he was really alive, and had Alec Baldwin, just before “30 Rock” come in to... spy on Will? I’m hazy about that part.


That game was so rad cool, and technology at it’s finest at the time. It was the future!!!!

Yeah, he and his family decided to go South of Atlanta, to the Gulf Coast, which should easily explain how they have suddenly appeared in Washington, D.C.?

It was in “The Legacy” with Katherine Ross and Sam Elliott. The only part of the movie that I remember (other than seeing Sam Elliott’s very nice ass.) Creepy. Yeah, drowning is a big fear for me, too.

“11/22/63" ranks among King’s very best. (It will also help if you have read “IT” for a minor subplot.) It’s tense, romantic, thrilling, nostalgic, exciting, and has one of his best character narrations. Highly recommended.

Do you have any thoughts on Stephen King’s take on the event, “11/22/63"?

There is one “fact” where Sutherland mentions that he read about the assassination in the Philippines newspaper 2 days before the murder took place, and I do recall hearing that during the film and thinking, hmmm, perhaps not all of this information is firmly in concrete.

Now playing

Personally, I prefer “The Conspirators” part of the movie’s score, which could make you feel like you are being watched right now....

whoa! Really?!? He was really right about not talking to strangers!!!

Many of them went over to Purple Rock Podcast.