
I accidentally found it while looking for <i>Will and Grace</i>, which I actually didn’t find.

It was done by the youngest son of the Lutz family, who is messed up either from what really did happen, or from the fallout of what “really” did happen.

The twists are fun, sure, but it really is the small moments that make this show so well done, and so lived in. Another good one that had me misty-eyed.

I was wondering that. IS the character still pregnant?

But Rick DOES have time to shave! His chest, at least.

That last sentence sounds familiar...... Hmmmm......

“This “cast” of four embarks on upon the most memorable adventures in the collection.” /QUOTE

That’s the only reason I went to see “300".

I concur. This will be lots of fun to watch... on a rainy (GEOStorm rainy?) Saturday Afternoon day.

He and Charlize should have earned Oscar nominations for their work in the very funny portrait of depression “Young Adult”.

Something not in the movie, so BOOK SPOILER.

So, how do I ask this question delicately? What exactly were Dermot Mulroney and his Bulge doing to the Gimp upstairs? It’s obviously a sexual thing, but, well, uh, how would that work? And wouldn’t all of those hooks be kind of deadly for the gimp in the scenario? That whole thing was creepy / weird / gross freaky,

And, like I said last week, the one handed market owner is played by Chaz Bono, who I’m STILL not sure the writer knows is that person.

and then NBC further interrupts the naturalness of the show with it’s “Share The Moment #ThisIsUS” DURING the moment they would want us to share, interrupting that very moment! *headdesk*

Psst, I’m not sure the Reviewer realized that was Chaz Bono....

I actually watched it last night. How exactly did she die? Do they really say it?

I don’t want to spoil it, but it’s in the story. It’s during the climax (and now this post is beginning to sound naughty. It’s not naughty.)

I actually banged my head against the headboard to try and get away from this book late one night. Something pops up, and I just reacted. Really should not read Stephen King at 2 in the morning.

As someone with a LOT of experience with this subject matter, the attached video had to be freeze framed for me to spot the “offending” object. Mom needs more to do .