
I turned 30 at the end of 97. I didn't hear about Harry Potter until my 8 year old next door neighbor kid kept going on about it. Being a bookworm, I thought I would give it a try. Magic Managed!


It does feel like the last decade before Everything Changed.

George of the Jungle also had a very buff Brendan Fraser wearing next to nothing, which helped entertain certain demographics.

I was watching that video (which I've seen a million times) just for that. From the video, she sings THREE WORDS of the entire song. That's not Posh!

"..and in even then, you still might not get back in!"

A Beautiful Mind was a high quality TV movie with movie stars, and Jennifer Connelly won the Oscar because of a wet T-shirt in the rain.

It reads like English, and yet the Aliens up there won't believe a word of it.

They watched Cujo after Joey hid The Shining in the freezer?!?!?!

I was there to see this, and I was still LOL'ing while sadly pensive still! And that was not snarkism. This was a fun TV show during a fun time in my life.

Did I write this? Moonlighting was the only TV show during my college years that was Must See TV. And we (of course) threw a party 30 YEAR OLD SPOILER>>>> when they finally did it. (And that show is why Bruce Willis has Eternity Like Points.

It was the 90's…..

We had 2 TVs: the Big one and the Small one. And every Thursday, it was the same Friends Vs. Survivor argument.

From your post to HBO's ears……

Hands Clean Alanis Morrisette

In his defense, that near death car accident seemed to change things, not necessarily for better or worse. While I liked the ending, the last 3 books really pale in comparison with the first three books.

And I don't understand how Kathy Bates and Jennifer Jason Leigh were not in awards consideration for that movie. And the cinematography, too.

Ben Affleck as Larry Underwood

You gotta pay the rent somehow, but damn, William, you also adapted Misery?!?!?!?!

It seemed very slow the first time I read it, when I was younger, and was expecting the next Cujo / Christine, but it's a tense, violent chase story that could stand alone. It was much much better the second time I read it.