
You are not alone. He never calls me either. ….sigh….

Mine was The Spy Who Loved Me, but I was hooked then, too /OneOfTheOlds

"He shows his body off more than the women in the movie."

He was a cousin of that Soze guy, right?

"I really SHOULDA taken that left turn at Albuquerque."

They apparently used the lookouts from the Titanic.

I second that….

It's from Weird Science, I think. Kelly LeBrock is telling the grandparents what type of party it's going to be. "You know, the usual…"


i get this reference! I get this reference! I'm somebody now!!!!

hey! You say that like it's a bad thing!!!

Diet Dr Pepper tastes exactly like the real thing. I can't tell the difference myself.

But… but… I just had a Coke Zero at the movies last night. Does that make me wrong?

*cues Duran Duran song*

What could possibly go wrong?

Variety is the Spice of Life!

Perhaps the most important question in this entire thread.

I will volunteer to distract Javier for you!

They are still in my nightmares all these years later.