
It was one of the reasons I kept watching, for his inevitable Shirtless! scene.

It didn't stick the landing, more like a soft thud, but the majority of the show was entertaining and weird and creepy.

I can go with that. Janeane's character may be lacking ambition, but she is realistic about her life. Ethan is just the bad boy with pretty pouty hair.

Not really a romantic comedy so much as romantic dramady, but Winona, honey, Ethan over Ben? Reality Bit the wrong guy!

But… but… it's for the best!

And as I (wish I) can attest, Everywhere in L A takes 20 minutes!

I'm ready for that bourbon and cigarette, now.

Actually, I believe that was Meatloaf who said that.

Was that battery CGI? That shot was perfect!

So, when they were saying "Walker", they didn't mean "Walker"?

SPOILER in the Spoiler Space: The Coast Guard arrive on time, and she does survive, although the camera cuts before she actually reaches the surface.

I did read the article, but a picture is worth 1000 words.

I don't know… yet.. My best friend moved back home there in Decemeber, so that was why I was visiting. Quite beautiful during the holidays.

Now I'm REALLY hungry!

Now I'm hungry again.

With all these puns running around, things are going to get awfully hairy around here!

Shouldn't this article have illustrations to prove its point?

Having actually been in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania last holiday season, I can report that Bucknell is a lovely campus in a lovely, "It's a Wonderful Life" type town.

Well, I loved the first two, so will have to find this "Hangover" one. I'm going to assume it does not involve a baby and Mike Tyson in Las Vegas?