
And in his first season he played against a big, burly cop. A GAY big, burly cop! Their coming out to each other was one of the highlights of the season.

I'm not sure about Best PIcture, but it sure as hell scared me. And its use of practical effects should be studied by future Horror directors. That's how things that go bump in the night work.

That's not a bad idea at all. We might see some BatBulge!

I'm okay with this style of campaigning. I see nothing wrong. And I hope to see something right, ifyouknowwhatImean.

"Needful Things 2: Needier"

BeVanWildered ?

It looks cute. The first one was cute. The second was cute, too, I think…? It looks cute…..

Watch Kevin Kline's legs as they try to run away and wrap themselves around Tom Selleck at the same time.

That's when I wondered if I was reading the right week. Nothing at all?!?!

That was a finale that could have gone an extra 30 minutes.

Tell him "Thank You for the Music", please!

Half of "Utopia Parkway" should have been certified Top 10 hits. I don't understand it, either.

Where are the omnipresent tie-in products from McDonald's, Dunkin' Donuts, Chevrolet, MTV, Playtex, etc.?

A memorable H!ITG !

Oo Oo, can I play Horny Teenager #3?!?!?!

#TeamRogen He's adorable! (Call me!)

I had one of them on TNT, and I would swear, even with commercials, it took them 3 hours to destroy Chicago.

No, this is what's called "Character Development". Now they're 3 dimensional monotone characters!

"I'm makin' it
I've got the chance, I'm takin' it
No more, no more, Fakin' it
This time in life, I'm makin' it (ooo)
Makin' it"