
I just visited the exhibit at Luxor in Las Vegas. Fascinating stuff. So many of them weren't supposed to be on the ship, but circumstance and luck and tragedy played a part too.

What did she share with you about that night?


So… Worst Way to Die in the Se7en movie?

You would think so, but that's so quick, and these others… not so quick-.

Maggie May: The Musical, starring Mary Martin, Marilyn Monroe, Margo Martindale, Mandy Moore, Melissa McCarthy, Marilyn Manson, Micheal Moore, and Mickey Mouse as "Hot Legs"

North of My Hometown

I'm listening to the score from Psycho as I read this!

Do something.

On CPAP now these days. Consult your doctor, people. It might be the best way to go, but you still have to go, and you will be missed by someone.

"A Day in the LIfe" and "God Only Knows" are two of the greatest songs ever done by anything, so…. tie?

I liked Terminator 3. The hook and ladder chase was cool, and they had the balls to go with that ending in a Hollywood movie.

Quentin manages to place my three worst fears: eye trauma, claustrophobia, and snakes, and place them all within 30 minutes running time of each other.

The male stripper one A Night in Heaven was watched a lot by confused teenager me, and not for it's bad love story.

That perfect, perfect hairy chest, gone to the Gods of Hollywood for Entourage success……

"I've got a 'Crush' on you"

*Insert "That's What She Said" here*

This discussion is going to end up being much more entertaining than the movie itself!

I kind of liked As Above, So Below. It was a little freaky, but it worked on my claustrophobia.

…and yet, someone, somewhere is whining "Won't SOMEBODY think of the children?!??!?!?"