
2 Cars 2… Cars…. - wait, that didn't work….

Admittedly I am not part of the demographic, but is Pixar forgetting to promote this? Shouldn't I be seeing Cars on every McMeal McAd McSocial McMedia I've ever been to?

As a Gen X'er, does this mean I can give some of this fat to a Millennial?

I prefer using Enterprise myself. Is that okay?

Beautiful. Pets are Family, too.

The Fates have been cruel with this one…..

How DARE you?!?!??!?!?!!? /hair toss

All the more reason I need to get to Vegas to see Cher. Who's with me?

Bad teeth, true, but Freddie Mercury was pure sex.

Launch me! Launch me all night long!!!!

Was that like Gotcha!, with Anthony Edwards and Linda Fiorentino?

I like your style of thinking. Need an oarsman?

I'd like to play a game with Mr. Hamm, too!

That's, like, deep and stuff.

"IT". "IT" does. This is the prequel to the one in September.

The special effects might not hold up in the Brendan and Rachel movie, but what does hold up is the FUN. Whatever happened to that idea in summer movies?

…and yeah, a really good show, especially if you know their first album.

It was more like, "I really don't want to do this, but this is what paid for my house. A 1, 2, 3, 4 - keyboards!"

Alas, like "Speed 2: Cruise Control", this would flop due to slow-moving vessels in a film about high speed chases.

"Merge After Merge"