
I got the famous SPAM. Does that make me a Somebody now?!?!!?

I've had the Las Vegas Nathan's Hot Dogs. Are the original really that good?

..with a British accent.

Better a Top than a Bottom….? /Gay Humor

The little girl looks like the actress who played Muriel's mother in Muriel's Wedding.

Here. Let me show you….

No, that's Meatloaf.

I'm still waiting for the rest of the Moose and Kevin scene from the pilot episode.

"almost allergic to keeping his shirt on,"

I like them thicker too, so he has nothing to complain about

On the one hand, there is a a LOT of pretty (that Bear is adorable); on the other hand, I'm so glad I'm not one of "those gays"… If they just took two minutes of their time..

"some quickly forgotten non-Kirk captain"

Baby Groot and a certain procedure might end up being the funniest moment of the Summer.

The laziest way to write a joke.

A wacky comedy involving a mother and daughter, and no one could find a female director in Hollywood? Not one?

1. The Mole WAS awesome! Bring that one back!

Decent, not earth shattering episode. Next week looks crazy. Might we have a Final Four, with 9 people left now?

…ummmm, cloooose….? SPOILER: Not Close.

Best version of King Arthur is Excalibur. There, I said it.

I… have no idea what I just watched.