
He wasn't even my type, but this Major Appliance was soooo dreamy back then!!!

That review of his is a horror movie for the English language.

Yeah, something fell apart in the last few episodes, as my phone was much more interesting than the TV screen.

*clap clap* "okay, time to shop" - Richard Gere

So agree. The actual winner, while a nice song, is so stereotypical Disney / Oscar schmaltz. One of the greatest years in film deserved a better Best Song Oscar.

On a laptop / desktop, okay, but how easy are these to see on a phone's screen?… I ask as I "like" the Instagram account……

Oy. If I had a nickel….

Thank you. Was just about to ask the same question, especially with the first two.

That's, like, deep and stuff.

This movie has Oscar worthy gore.

Cold Clue Case: The Board Game

I remember that well. Much as I loved "Wizard and Glass", I was glad to get back "on the road again" to The Dark Tower. So they stop off for a rest with some… werewolves bullies. This will be a Chapter or two, and then they'll be onto the next adventure involving some genre-mashing-bending…..

On a road trip with Annie Wilkes.

Of course, the merchandising of a Billy Bumbler won't hurt either. /cynical

I'm in the same camp. These were unfilmable in some parts, and having the kid be the audience surrogate might help explain the strangeness of the story. I'm certainly rooting for it to win.


Oh, we can only hope. Alas, not likely.

Please return to your 70's-80's Hitchcock genius, Mr. DePalma. Please!

Agreed, even Oscar Nominee worthy, along with a few others that she's done.