
I ended up seeing TSWSM first, but knowing the gist of what the films were about, and enjoy that one more. Similar thing happened with the Paranormal Activity series. I liked the 2nd one better because I somehow saw it first.

So I take my Dad to see Goldmember and after the movie, he states, "Man, that was a lot of fun. They should make another one of these".

It's a very smart move to get rid of Zeke before Final Council.

It was Jean Harlow name-checked, not "Gene Harlot".

Actually, ABC IS bringing back "Battle of the Network Stars", this summer! Now we just need Parker Stevenson and Barbi Benton to land pilots!

Good for him. You can do this.

Why, y es? Why do you ask? And you need help with that cast on your arm?

"I completely agree with Michelle and think that doing past Drag Race competitors for “Snatch Game” is an extremely lazy move."

Oh Good God, you're right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /shiver

IIRC, he didn't want to write a sequel, but they threw enough money at him to do it anyway? Am I mis-remembering? Or, in this case, dis-membering?

Sometimes a pen is just a pen.

He interviewed Sharon Stone, though not her legs, in Basic Instinct.

I was an usher at AMC Theaters in St. Louis when this film came out. We previewed the night before opening day, after hours, and I had to walk across a seemingly deserted parking lot at 2 in the morning.

Anthony Heald, the smarmy FBI guy who goes to Central America, was a semi-regular at Music Plus in Long Beach, California, when I was an assistant manager there in the early 90's. He was nice.

Great cast. Drew and George C. Scott, along with David Keith, Louise Fletcher, Martin Sheen, Art Carney, and Heather Locklear, in a bad movie from a pretty good book.

she's eccentric, and possibly certifiable, and may or may not need Anger Management, but she is certainly entertaining.

Got a link for those reviews?

"The Spy Who Loved Me", although it would have been much better if they actually had let Triple X be an equal and not rating slightly above Just Another Bond Girl.

Is it possible for him to be the weakest of the 5 main Bonds, and yet be in some of the best of the Bond movies?

She's still my Queen of the Queer Universe. I'm in.