
Actually I don’t give a crap about “you,” whoever you are, because I’m too busy getting dick from my woke af husband while you troll women’s websites for attention :-D

I agree. If he pounded the dude. It would have been violent thug actor shows his thru face or something like that.

This makes me want to give him a hug.

Not resorting to violence when you have the ability takes more courage than beating the crap out of a smaller(literally and figuratively) man.

I love Terry Crews.

I mean, sure, she COULD have let a rabid 20-pound animal claw her face off, but she...chose not to let it maim or kill her, so I guess fuck her?

I’ve accepted 7 salaried offers. Only one required me to meet in person to sign the paperwork before my first day.

You are.

You write that the male co-stars didn’t back Walters in this dispute... but what did the female co-stars do? Are we only looking to see what the men are doing?

I’m so furious she (was made) to apologize. Now I kind of want her to leave TBS. Can HBO pick her up and have her follow Jon Oliver? I’d renew my HBO subscription for that.

Emmitt Smith: So that’s why they call it an “oldbitchuary.”

Seriously. Why did I have to scroll down so far to find this??!

FUCK. A 7-2 opinion in not good but the reality is that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission fucked up bigly. I like RBG’s take on the issue and only she & Sotomayor dissented, so that is pretty telling that this is a narrow opinion if Kagan sided with the majority.


It’s like when Rachael Maddow does that “writing on her script” thing like she’s cramming for a final.

ummmm except he has BORDERLINE personality disorder. wow. Completely different things. This is easily google-able. Come on guys.

BPD is borderline personality disorder, not bipolar disorder. Either way he’s right and deserves happiness and love.

Hey! I think Pete Davidson has borderline personality disorder (BPD), not bipolar disorder.


leave it to the woman to have to do the emotional fucking labor for the whole goddamn male cast