School board knew how much money that asshole was about to cost them.
School board knew how much money that asshole was about to cost them.
I don’t think there’s any reason to think anyone will actually suggest that Mary Tyler Moore be played by someone who doesn’t look like her in some way.
Bevin, who also recently proposed devastating cuts to K-12 and university funding, has called teachers’ protests to his proposed changes “short-sighted” and “selfish,” referring to their anger over the potential slashing of their benefits as “a group of people just throwing a temper tantrum.” He also accused them of…
Yup, this is my mom. She keeps saying to me “Stop being so dramatic, they are never going to get rid of abortion.” She doesn’t understand why it’s important. She thinks Roe v. Wade was it, the battle is over, and now she needs to worry about jobs.
You are correct. This is the sort of case that may seem like it doesn’t amount to much, but could have very chilling effects on free speech and creativity in general, depending on the verdict. Cases like this matter very much.
This is a darling picture.
Oh brother. I just love the giant poor quality picture of herself at the top of her twitter: - I’m on a PC right now and it’s terrible.
Soooooo cool!!
Look at these fancy ass appetizers: it’s like, cheese. But melted on slices of baguettes so ya know, class!
I just choked on my avocado toast laughing.
Jane Krakowski can sing, Kelsey Grammer can talk on pitch (he got great reviews for his performance of Captain Hook in Peter Pan on Broadway a few years ago which involved some singing), and Zoey Deschanel has 3+ albums with the band She & Him, although I don’t think her voice is quite right for this role. I would…
I want a movie where a cat keeps killing people and framing her owners and then she gets adopted by a serial killer who figures it out and the back half of the movie is cat and owner pitted against each other, trying to frame each other.
I live in Hell’s Kitchen NYC, which means my “local” neighborhood movie theater is in Times Square.. so if I don’t want to travel to see a movie I would sometimes have to pay $25 for a single movie ticket. :/
I want to thank you for this.
The last one! I died!!
I’d like to believe that the last one, (jnight), is trolling but I can’t quite muster the optimism
Okay, fine, I’ll take one for the team: