Clicked NP even though I agree with most of the comments saying the fuel cell is sketchy and you never buy someone else´s project. But a V8 XJ makes me parts fizzle, and in a project like this, you don´t do the math, you just follow your dick until you run out of pocket. I already have the truck, so it´s “just” a swap…
If you have already seen the new T6 Ranger in person, you can say its quite a large truck. Don´t know about dimensions, but his assessment on being comparable to a ´02 F-150 seems to be right. The 3.2 diesel we have in Brazil is quite capable, with 330-ish torques, but a stronger engine is always a good answer.
The car seems to be in OK shape. you can probably buy it and fix everything without much hassle. But almost 30k for something that has to be resprayed and have half of the interior redone...CP.
Im loving Toyota´s attempt to make its cars more aggressive-looking. Yeah it may be a little shocking in the beginning, because you all refuse to accept a nice-looking, sporty camry. What´s wrong with that? Look at the new Odyssey, non-car people also enjoy a stylish design. It´s not my kind of design, but I can´t…
I take my car over a bus here in São Paulo any day of the week.
As a proud XJ owner, I couldnt agree more.
I hate when you write shit like this. Im not even reading this article
Yikes. Seems like a nightmare to operate without looking. Specially during maneuvering. I´d press Neutral much more than expected
Finally someone noticed the sheer amount of craftsmanship that goes into building a new Lexus. People only talk about the grille, which is not even a novelty anymore.
Actually no, He said owners should’t bring their stripped cars in. However, since that owner from Cincinnati already filed for his buyback, his car should be paid off, even stripped. And the judge should ammend the consent decree regardless if he thinks it shouldn’t be allowed and VW shouldn’t accept the vehicles.
So...VW started the whole dieselgate out of “bad faith”, to deceive customers into buying VWs in the first place, and now they are complaining about a handful of owners who stripped their cars and calling it bad faith? Right.
how so? The vehicles would be scrapped anyway
In 2016, with all the terrorist attacks happening everywhere, and the general fear of anything “middle-eastern”, I say he got what he deserved.
I really dont get why other advertisers think just “talking about something” is good publicity. Chances are you are criticizing something, because that´s way more engaging. If the company did something wrong, you´ll go to hell and back to try and convince as many people as you can that X company is bad. But the…
Im waiting for the update on this story.
In the end joke´s on them, because they only got half an episode. The cow car is there, it was actually made, and some hides and bones were, in fact, used.
If one of these appliances crashes into a non-self-driving car, who´s at fault? The owner, or the company behind the OS?
On top of that Justin said, I kind of agree with you that they might be testing different approaches to the show to gauge audience. The thing is, they need to be flexible and commited to kill/ change/ revamp what is not working and keep the things that are.
So, with the same turbos found in the RS4, I´d say the car is still reasonably reliable. But that methanol and water injection system looks iffy.