Forester guy

Its Peru. we 3rd world countries dont care as much for following laws as much as US does.

There was time and space for the Trailblazer to go around him. He opted not to. Plus, it seemed they were both at or above the speed limit.

If only they were hiring advertisers....

It´ll be the most silent racing series ever.

My father does #2 and #4 all the time on my XJ. Fucking pisses me off. Someday i´ll punch him in the face and send the tranny billll to him.

TL;DR, (actually, only read the 1st paragraph). But false. I just watched one of those episodes “cars with brian johnson” or whatever and he himself said “yeah i got hearing loss from all those 40+ years on stage” or someting like that.

As for the dual projector headlights, one is for high beam and the other, low beam? Or one is for both and the other is only high beam while the headlights are off?

Not a chance. I barely trust someone else at the wheel of a car, let alone on a bike.

hahah you guys are weird. US DOT is weird.

Cars are safer. Pedestrians are still stupid. Even more now with smartphones.

I´d answer the lead picture with a pat on Evans back like “shhh, dont make it worse”

It may not always be bullshit, but in most cases, they are shit.

My god, I can only imagine how painfully expensive will be to run and maintain this car in 15 years time.



Neat. But why say “on the K-Pax Racing”? This feature is present in every 650s GT3 car.

hahah so we have a new Ghostbusters with 4 women, one of which admittedly knows nothing about “science stuff”, they BORROW a lame-ass Caddy hearse (wow, what a reboot. Cant even pick a nice car) and turns it into “Ecto-1" with half of the equipments and a siren bigger than those on Arizona State Police.

“guilt-free track day”? what is the meaning of this?

1st gear with broken clutch: Meanwhile in Brazil, because of the very corrupt government, our auto industry fell 21.1% compared to feb ‘15.

I almost shed a tear at work. And im not apolice officer. Im not even american.