
Oh no my hopes are already up for dune! Thank you for this sage advice and I will temper them haha, I’m sure it will make it better if it is actually good.

I liked that they were all legit nice to Dee at the end of the escape room episode. If it was totally nonstop assholery, I would’ve dropped the show a long time ago, but it is actually just joke assholery, which can be really fun.

and life aquatic!

Not sure why you’re bringing up victims repeatedly if you’re not interested in them. It’s not a topic I ever brought up.

It’s harder than a water temple without a walkthrough

This is pretty normal in a ton of libraries. The exception at many is no food/drink at the public computers. About a decade ago there was a big push to put coffee shops in libraries to attract/serve more people. It worked, especially on college campuses, and you’ve gotta be able to drink somewhere.

or popcorn?

yes lke 911 truthers and flat earth truthers you are a shimp tail truther. you are in good company haha. but seriously, if you are expected to eat the whole head of a deep fried shrimp, why not the tail! my life has been better ever since i started eating them :D

“Ok, but do women get kudos for their vagina or for what they actually do?” 

but if you apply that to violence, and the uncharted series (in which the vast majority of the violence serves no narrative purpose) then your statement once again makes no sense.

Oh really, what percentage of primary caregivers are women? Men? 50-50? No, it’s not equal. What percentage of women are senators in the US senate? 23%? Totally equal. Ugh. You are completely deluding yourself.

I can see you’re bitter. That sucks, but I don’t know how you could have managed six figure debt (especially with the level of rent you claimed to have paid!) but that’s kinda beside the point. Also, I never claimed you are a moocher. I just want you to realize you didn’t actually pay for everything; the costs of

why does it matter?

it works as a binder between the sandwhich and bread, but since as you say, cheese doesnt go with seafood, they go with half so it doesnt overwhelm.

pretty much any type of pickles work great with vodka (or gin if thats your game). I’ve tried bright pink plum pickled garlic cloves from the japanese store and they are crazy good to use in place of olives.

My favorite thing about suburban eating: PARKING!

you’re talkin more sense than pretty much all movie critics these days!

Now I’m not sure what the two of your feelings about the average superhero movie is, but they are just as hollow (actually imo far hollower) than this movie. That said, I enjoy quite a few of them. I enjoyed this more than most of them though. I really don’t understand why people think movies need messages or stories

I’m not talking about scholarships. You mention public education. Why do you think it’s called public education? It’s because it gets taxpayer funding in addition to tuition. Just imagine if the people who make more money than any person needs helped pay more for things like public education. Then you wouldn’t have

it definitely matters what is represented in your mind. I am not the one who has a problem with SWJ. you are the one who said: “No, they’re worse than selfish, they’re entitled. Having a view, and trying to define it as the “only” view people should have is fascistic by nature.”