
thats the thing, anti-swj dont believe in equal rights. they are fighting to suppress people like lgbtq by saying things like “that doesnt belong in videogames” while they never complain about hetrosexual relationships in games. by saying “equal rights are a given” you are much more in line with SWJs than the opposite.

hillary isnt in the government, nor is bernie a democrat. i dont know why you’d think i want to demolish the power of someone like bernie. he obviously works to help direct government resources to help as many people as possible.

meh, I’m not embittered, I’m talking to you. also, equal voting rights are not a given. there are multiple states in which mainstream republicans are working to unlevel the voting field. several of their attempts have been stopped due to the fact that they are unconstitutional. again, do your research.

the ratio is 1 part ketchup, 2 parts mayo, and you dont mix them :D

Marxism (though there are many interpretations) is focused on disrupting that dynamic between the oppressor and the oppressed, and preventing wealth/power from being consolidated within a ruling class (that controls means of production in opposition to the working class, etc). Now you’re trying to argue that “SJW has

I’m talking specifically about the videos that algorithms suggest to me on youtube that i dont want. they are usually just meme compilations with a lot of racist content.

I think you need to take a step back an think about what you’re saying.

“ Having a view, and trying to define it as the “only” view people should have is fascistic by nature.”

yeah, it sounds like that was a gag drawn by him given to frank cho (another great cheesecake artist) in reference to the whole kerfuffle. It wasnt the original cover at all though. this was it:

i dont know what cover youre talking about because you could only see her butt so there was no possibility of camel toe, and there are multiple examples of spiderman in more ridiculous poses; you know like the ability to pose like a spider can!

i dont know what cover youre talking about because you could only see her butt so there was no possibility of camel toe, and there are multiple examples of spiderman in more ridiculous poses; you know like the ability to pose like a spider can!

the milo manara cover of spider woman outrage. that is an example of overreacting. a alternative cover that features a pg 13 illustration by one of the most famous erotic cartoonists; that is not a hill to build a fort on.

totally. the thread kinda gets lost in the way the posts are arranged, but that was exactly the implication in my original response:

I dunno, I own ghostbusters: atc on blu ray and like it quite a bit. I’ve only seen the extended edition with (what I gather) is a lot more improv between some pretty hilarious comedians. I am not an avid SNL person these days but since seeing it I now I love kate mckinnen and leslie jones. I already loved kristen

lol i dont know any of those bands, but i think those algorithms may be based more on name of band than alt right leaning haha

Cheers to that. I mean I’ve never seen anti-SJWs be right in any significant way, but yeah I agree. Hivemind stuff is bad.

Yeah I totally agree with you. I had originally wrote it as “among them,” but changed it to “among us” because I realized that the two sides are just unofficial groups that distill down to two basic ideologies, and to deny I align more with one than the other would be disingenuous.

they dont use slaves anymore hopefully?

they dont use slaves anymore hopefully?

The thing is, the SWJ agenda is by definition, not selfish.

This happens to me all the time, but all it takes is a thumbs quick down. There is no way I wan’t to give up what music video recommendations, etc that I’ve cultivated over time because I get suggested some alt right trash every now and then.