
Same with hit points in D&D! A higher level character isn’t necessarily hardier, but can move out of the way of more attacks, slough off minor blows, etc. thus more HP.

also superman is the toxic avenger?

Luke defeated the emperor by literally throwing away his weapon. How was being his father’s son?

Luke was ruined by the implications of TFA, not TLJ. I don’t understand why people keep thinking Luke was still classic Luke after having watched TFA. TLJ just explained retroactively in more detail why he abandoned the cause and was a failed Jedi teacher (as already explained in TFA). 

yes, more similar to that.

they’re free to use, but improper use may impose fees

Just be warned that the tape may degrade over time and damage the internal plastic due to the reaction of two different types of plastic.

if you make it a steamed bun, I’m in!

I was making a guess as to why you don’t like most stores. You made some incorrect claims about the stores i listed (megastores), made some outdated assumptions about purveyors (clerks haven’t bathed this week, where women are either immediately scorned or slathered with unwanted attention), and complained about

This is great. I wish there were more articles that advised against copy and pasting, and instead emphasizing maintaining the original sources. It makes it so much easier to fact check. Keep it up!

for sure

Some people seem to have had that experience. I drove across the country and back (taking a different route) and stopped by comic book stores whenever I had the chance and I had a great experience at pretty much every single one. I didn’t look for reviews or anything, if there was a store and I had the time I just

You’re wrong about them being megastores. The majority of those places are a single room! There are a few big ones, but those are exceptions in that list. I think you need to become a little more familiar with comic book stores before disparaging them.

well when i drove across the country across the middle an back through the south i enjoyed almost every store I went to. Out of probably 30 or so stores maybe 3 were not good? and that was because they didnt have back issues, local comics, etc not because i had a bad experience with the person working there. i never

i dont think so. i didnt move to an area close enough to go there until after new 52 (i remember buying the first issues at a store in laguna thats now a carpet store) and that was 2011. in the time since you were there, CT&T got rid of the extra room with manga, etc but put in some really great shelving and bumped up

haha yeah thats where i have my pull list

Oh yeah! I think I still have some Geoffrey’s bucks in the dash my car haha (if it’s the place I’m thinking), they would give you some when you bought things from there to encourage you to come back. So cool. Def super nice people there!

If you can make a list of not good comic book stores that is equivalent to my very good list I’ll at least be able to respect where you’re coming from, but I think you are doing more harm than good by making such statements on one of the most popular nerd websites on the web!

I will forever have beef with you for writing that article about how comic book stores suck, but I totally agree with you on this one! I thought Flash Thompson and Aunt May in Spider-Man: Homecoming (and MJ to the extent of what was shown) to be great changes!

I just hope that the symbiote splits with him and agent venom becomes a thing real quick cause i live this guy: