
I don’t understand why everyone thinks TLJ was where Luke was shown to have fallen. They explained he failed training Kylo in TFA and his absence in their times of need already proved he had run away/given up.

I was hoping A Very Fatal Murder was a parody of those kinds of show. That title made me lol

The cure is to play something like last years Wolfenstein 2 or even something that seems completely open, but actually fairly narrow while still giving you lots of options and the feeling of exploration like DQ Builders.

Now playing

from the movie american astronaut, after a similarly maniacal bad guy turns a bunch of ppl into dust... seems to know how to have fun more than thanos haha

I started the demo as the dancer, and after 45 minutes or so of just having to walk back and forth slowly across the town to talk to people to get the story moving (which amounted to just repeated harassment and threats of rape) I hadn’t even had one battle encounter. I put the game down because it was time for bed

sounds great, i wanna try that

oh yeah its in the title i think, ive never actually seen it spelled haha

haha so true

Although it might not make as much a difference since you’re adding it to a lot of other ingredients, I’ve found it’s much better to pay the extra dollar to upgrade from a can of pink salmon to sockeye. Makes for the tastier, sustainable choice!

Half Coca Cola and half red wine on ice with a slice of lemon is great too. It’s funny cause I’ve ordered it a bars (minus the lemon cause I’m not trying to be a hassle) and the bartenders look at me funny but then try a straw sip and they are like woah its actually good and the drink spreads...

man I thought this was gonna link to a coffee cup that temperature changed to have a rainbow on it. oh well at least it has a nice message

consolidation of wealth as a result of inheritance doesnt make sense. a lot of stuff related to economics doesnt make sense. it doesnt make sense that retired CEOs make more money than a person who works really hard at two full time jobs. it doesnt make sense that a person who brings you food for one meal gets tipped

I remember getting a made to order sandwich at a supermarket deli a couple years ago on New Years Day at about noon.

service costs more at a more expensive restaurant because it takes experience and time to get a job at a fancier place. people work towards moving up to that.

I would be happy if they kept Casey Jones (guy from Arrow) and the Rocksteady and Bebop (and even Tyler Perry as Baxter Stockman) from Out of the Sewers. They were all fantastic and that movie was pretty great.

That Dr Captain Strange America looks like one of the Michael Bay Ninja Turtles

If you need new, original content don’t rely on a bunch of Star Wars sequels. prequels, requels, interquels, and sidequels haha

Voldo is by far the most sexualized character in the series. Also, despite your “Oh, sweet summer child”s, there are more women shaped like the female characters in this game than then there are men shaped like the male characters.

If you microwave it, then it’s just porridge. I do it sometimes with the giant shredded wheats (with a bit of salt and butter); but I microwave it all together, not just the milk!

That AIDS game seems to be gone. Maybe you’re jumping the gun a bit when you assume they don’t think that’s trolling?