
I don’t think Wonder Woman is formulaic at all. How many other superhero movies have the character want to be a hero from the very start? Captain America? It’s almost always them experiencing some tragedy that makes them step up to the plate.

I agree with this sentiment. I hope spice from kessel doesn’t just end up being spice from Dune like it did in the Kevin J Anderson books. That series was where I pretty much fell of the EU for good.

I can def see evidence of recuts that made it an unbalanced movie, but I actually enjoyed it way more than Guardians. I enjoyed the tacky montages, the interesting use of dynamic color, the magic effects like the spikes that looked way more original than the usual cgi particle effects, and the unpredictability.

Haha, fair enough. Of course I think a lot of movies are “good” that other people dont (and vice versa), and I have no idea why. Avengers 2 made the least sense plotwise out of all the superhero movies I’ve seen, but people love that. I mean it had that great battle with the hulk and iron man, but it made zero sense.

I think it was the first movie with the HDR hyper contrasted color loo; the lighting was amazing, and has been imitated many times since. Also, the way the magic spikes looked were way cooler than the general computer particle effects of other superhero/magic movies. There was also on screen text, quick and effective

I got an E6 cause it had 3D while the other ones did not (or were curved). That’s no longer a thing, so I def agree with you on current models.

I got an E6 cause it had 3D while the other ones did not (or were curved). That’s no longer a thing, so I def agree

more like good samurai jack fan art

Nailed it! I’m kinda surprised they are making another one, but I enjoyed the movie as much as (if not more than) the average superhero movie. It had so much more style than the Marvel ones generally do, but it also fell apart hard at the end.

Hats off to the artist for selling fanart derivative of other people’s styles for such a profit.

Recreational wargames like chess had existed long before HG Wells. However, being a pacifist, HG Wells proposed that something like Little Wars could be used as a stand in for actual wars.

Making up imaginary in-universe excuses for plot holes was the greatest fun of star wars fandom until the expanded universe filled in all the gaps for us. To me, the chance to do that again was by far the most exciting thing this movie had going for it.

The thing is, Luke was not made different by TLJ. He was made into a failure as a jedi offscreen by implications of TFA. If anything, TLJ tries to remedy failed Luke by giving him some meaning and success and just bringing him back into the story! TFA was the one that made Luke a hermit, someone who didn’t participate

“Despite how it can seem, alcohol isn’t a magical potion that turns your beloved Dr. Jekyll into Mrs. Hyde. It’s truth serum.”

I guess I can get behind the Rey and Kylo working together excuse haha! And yeah I thought there were a lot of strange technology choice/omissions in this movie; from the 45mph bombers to one xwing destroying all the turbolasers on the dreadnought (which have no shields?) to the cool but completely pointless

Can someone explain to me why their armor sometimes blocks lightsabers and sometimes doesn’t? Also why was anyone actually invested in this fight? It’s not like a faceless trooper presents any threat to the main characters of a star wars... honestly asking, as a person who was a fan of the film in general.

Admiral Alexander Marcus was the head of Starfleet and a bad guy in Star Trek Reboot #2. Luke’s failure as a jedi was established to have happened in the time between RotJ and TFA in the movie TFA; TLJ was just fleshing that out a bit and actually working to make Luke more like he was before the implications of TFA.

PLZ make a Wolfenstein instead!

DM should just take advantage of natural rolls of 20 or 1 and make hilarious exaggerated results that expedite goblin combat. Also aoe spells pretty much wipe goblins out in one hit later on. Oh and the days of 3e’s greater cleave mwhahaha

cause waiting for a potential switch version duh