
Warriors fans are babies for thinking the refs are against them. The refs are REALLY against US!!!!1!1111!!!

by God you will pay for this

Early in the game last night, I mentioned to my brother in law about how little distraction the refs had been in the series. Sorry for jinxing it everyone.

Don’t let the incompetent officiating distract you from the fact that LeBron James did a self alley-oop in an NBA Finals elimination game.

“Anyway, I’m glad he didn’t rape your friend” Yea, 2017 for you folks.  

Your friend is super lucky, and I don’t want to minimalize it, but it’s kind of hilarious that he said “bring a friend” and she brought a dude.

Me: Toybox killer? Sounds gruesome and bad. Best leave it alone.

If there is anyone left in this world who doesn’t get what rape culture is and that it exists. This is it! Men who grow up thinking that they are the decider of whether a woman has consented or not. Who think acquiescence is consent and that ANYTHING they do to get that acquiescence is fine. They’re raping women and

I’m sorry.

He’s lying. They were Quaaludes.

A really terrible aspect I noticed was that all of his explanations and rationales can be read using the same singsong cadence he has in his Jello Pudding commercials. It’s like a horror movie where the child killer turns out to be the guy driving the ice cream truck

how ‘bout a cookie

a sworn member of law enforcement defending a woman’s account of the night she says she was sexually assaulted.

That. Right there. I don’t hate cops. I fucking love this guy. I hate shitty cops. Especially because they make life harder and more dangerous for the good ones.

This is so great.

I get that the defense has to (and should, honestly) go the distance to defend his client. Watching someone fuck up a carefully planned cross, though, can be a beautiful thing. The defense was trying to use cross to sell their story and the cop didn’t let him. Well done, Officer!

“Must flee TV.”

This is a simple case of he said, she said, and she #2 said, and she#3 said.... and she#58 said.

I’m pissed that Cosby harmed those (many, many) women, but I’m also pissed that he murdered Cliff Huxtable.

Hallelujah! Every victim deserves a cop like this in their corner.