Ford Trucks

Jesus Chrits, you people are mentally impaired. The only reason you think Russia had anything to do with the dominance of Right Wing Memeing is because you have no idea how to do it yourselves. So it must be some mysterious third party.

Wine of that region is a bit chewy for my taste. I guess you could say I’m more of a Bordeaux man.  That’s a nice pic though, and I bet it’s an even nicer place to be. 

Back from Croatia already?

Why would anyone even want to be on Twitter in 2018?

That ten second clip is now seared into my memory for the rest of my life. How... how could you post that here? What did I do to deserve that? I feel lost. Fridays are typically a joyous occasion, weekend in full view. Not this one. You have destroyed any possibility of... forget enjoyment. If I should escape the

When everything is racist, nothing is.  This series works against what it attempts to accomplish. 

This article absolutely reeks of both-sidesism.  Not only does Warren in fact have Native American DNA in her f*cking blood, she identifies as one and always has.  She literally is a Native American.  Get over it.  

Wow.  This person is completely without brain, as they say. 

You forgot this one.

Funny that nobody is asking why the Crown Prince would want some nobody journo dead.  Kinda cooks the cauliflower.